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Less Than 24 Hours

Today is your last chance to buy C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity.

On Saturday, the sale is done, the course is closed – everything will go back to full price in my shop and when you’ve finally decided to commit to buying the course it’ll have been too late.

I won’t be making any special exceptions.

So, if you’ve thought about it all week and you haven’t committed yet – it’s time to decide today.

No harm, no foul if you think it’s not for you or it isn’t the right time – I’d prefer you not buy if it’s a panic impulse thing.

But if you know that you want to learn more about getting your sounds to work when using Unity and Wwise – then I made this for you.

What You’ll Get

The course is video on demand.  You can watch it any time you want, at your own pace.  It’s around 4 hours of content if you complete the whole thing.

In addition, if you buy the premium version, I throw in a copy of The Unofficial Wwise Authoring API Starter Guide which you can’t buy anywhere at all.  This teaches you how to use “WAAPI” – or the Wwise Authoring API – to automate the heck out of Wwise and make it interact with your own programs.

I’m also being really kind and throwing in Begin Audio Scripting with Reaper as a premium bonus because I know some of you are just starting to program, and that guide is really where you should start.

The last bonus for premium buyers is an interview with Nick Bygrave, lead audio programmer at 343 Industries.  He’s a wonderful human and has taught me so much about what we do that it’s a crime for you not to hear more about the software development side.

What You’ll Learn

My assumption when you start the course is that you know how to use Wwise.  Wwise isn’t crazy difficult to learn and there’s a lot of free resources online – so I don’t teach how to use the Wwise Editor at all.

I also assume you’ve touched some code before.  I hit the basic concepts of C# that you need to know in order to be able to understand the Wwise sound engine calls within Unity – but that’s it.  It’s not an exhaustive C# course.

Most importantly you’ll learn what you really want to know – how to get sounds to play in your game by using straightforward, understandable, C# code.

That includes using:

  • Events
  • Soundbanks
  • States
  • Switches
  • RTPCs
  • Interactive Music
  • Custom Profiler messages
  • The Wwise Authoring API

As well, you’ll learn both the “old” style of calling the sound engine directly and the “new” style (as of Wwise 2017) of using Wwise Types within C#.

When You’re Done

Once you’ve gone through the course, you’ll have built foundational, functional knowledge of how to begin tobuild out an audio system using Wwise, Unity, and C#.  While you won’t be equipped to take on the mantle of “game audio programmer” just yet – you’ll understand vastly more of what the engineers on your development team do, better ways to communicate with them, and how to be a much better asset to your team as a whole.

Upon completion, you’ll have a Unity demo complete with all of your own sounds hooked up and working – knowledge which you’ll be able to begin transferring over to your own projects.

It Closes Tonight

Again, at the end of the evening tonight, access to the course will close again.  I don’t know when I’ll reopen it or if I’ll reopen it (I have some other, bigger plans too).

If you’re interested in jumping in and gaining super valuable knowledge, now’s the time to do it.

As always, if you’ve got any questions – reply directly to this (if you’re getting it in email) or email – I’ll be happy to give you answers as long as I’m awake.

Copyright 2016-2021, NIR LLC, all rights reserved.