C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity Video Course (Enterprise)


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Make yourself much more valuable by learning implementation, and knowing it well.

So, you know how to create and manipulate sounds and music at a professional level – that’s awesome!  Congratulations, you’ve achieved something that quite honestly not everyone can do.

But, even if you have those skills, when it comes to the thought of working in game audio you might still find that you feel inadequate or under equipped.


While you know how to make sounds, it’s a lot more difficult to learn how to make them work.

You can learn the user interfaces and systems of tools like Wwise and FMOD just by watching online videos today.  You may even opt to become more skilled by taking a course!

But there’s very little – if any – online resources dedicated to teaching you implementation skills.  Not just how to build a system with some mouse clicks, but how to control events, states, and RTPCs with code.

You might be surprised when I tell you this, but it’s a lot easier than you might think.  Even if you have little to no programming knowledge.

You don’t need to know everything, just a little bit more

At one time, I was in your position – trying to find my edge, something unique that would put me at the front of the line for a job.

Here’s a fact – schools across the world are churning out new, young sound designers at an unprecedented rate.  The market for this line of work isn’t getting any less competitive any time soon.

So when I made my way into games I asked myself – what skills do I have or can I attain that make me different, and where will I face the least competition?

The answer for me was technical skills – namely implementation and programming.  Not only can you charge a higher price with these skills, but you also face much less industry competition the more technically inclined you become.

So am I advocating you become a programmer?

No, not at all.

But it can be beneficial for your career if you learn even a little programming, very specifically related to what you’re working on.  The more you build this knowledge and use it in your projects (both personal demos and at work), the more of an asset you’ll be when you can do things other people look at as if it were wizardry.  (I know, this is exactly what gets me jobs and how people look at me)

Again, between you and me, it’s not as hard as you think!

This course is specific, not generic

You can learn C# online, completely for free.

You can learn Wwise and Unity online, completely for free.

The Wwise API documentation is even online, completely for free (but not in C# – sorry, you’ll have to infer what to do with it…)

If you’d rather go the route of culling all of that knowledge together without paying a dime, I wish you well and hope you cook up something awesome.

The rest of you know what it’s like when you use free courses and resources:

  • All the examples and demo projects are horrendously generic
  • There’s really nothing related to the thing you actually want to work on
  • After a few days of excitement, you’re tempted to quit, and usually move onto a new “exciting” thing
  • If you make it all the way through, months later you still need to infer a bunch of information and make numerous logic jumps to actually do what you wanted to in the first place

This course is built so you have to do literally none of that.  I’ve already done it for you.

While we all can agree, if you’re looking to become a fully fledged software developer then it would be wise for you to know all the nuances, foundations, and boring esoteric bits of programming languages.

But if you’re just trying to make some sounds work – you need to understand a microscopic subset of your preferred language.

So rather than taking you through every detail of C#, I’ve built this course to get you right to the fun stuff as quickly as possible.  All code you write will be utilizing Unity and Wwise – nothing horribly generic, and everything easily understandable.

When you’re done, you’ll have a whole new set of incredible and rare skills to use.

When you’re done, you’ll know how to

  • Use C# in useful – not generic – ways
  • Integrate Wwise into Unity – both for personal use and how to do it with a professional studio
  • Create custom triggers in Unity
  • Control Wwise events in-game using C#
  • Control Wwise RTPCs with in-game data
  • Setting Wwise states with in-game data
  • Affecting the Wwise music system through code
  • Sending custom messages and debug information to the Wwise Profiler
  • Manipulate the Wwise Authoring Tool using WAAPI (with the included bonus)

Additionally you’ll save months of time and frustration.

I mean that quite literally, read it again – you’ll save months of time and frustration.

The Technical Specifics

The standard edition of C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity gives you access to

  • 24+ course videos with instant, on-demand access
  • All videos are viewable via computer or your mobile device
  • Videos are not downloadable by default

Plus Premium Edition bonuses

If you purchase the premium edition, you’ll also get multiple bonuses –

  • A .pdf copy of The Unofficial Wwise Authoring API Starter Guide. ($20 value)
  • A .pdf copy of Begin Audio Scripting with Reaper. ($15 value)
  • An audio interview with Nick Bygrave – Lead Audio Programmer, 343 Industries

The Unofficial Wwise Authorinig API Starter Guide will take you through exactly how to read the Wwise Authoring API documentation, utilize it in your projects, and make your very first application using WAAPI.

Begin Audio Scripting with Reaper is tailor made for audio professionals who have always wanted to get into programming, but either haven’t found a great point of entry or been too intimidated to start.  I’m adding it as a bonus, because even if you’ve never programmed before – I don’t want that to be a barrier for you to jump into this course!

Nick Bygrave is (as of this writing) the Lead Audio Programmer at 343 Industries – the team behind Halo 4, Halo 5: Guardians, and Halo: Infinite!  Nick has also worked for a number of different game studios, and his code has touched games like like Project Gotham Racing, Forza Motorsport, and Geometry Wars among others.  Nick and I spent nearly an hour discussing what audio programming is, how it differs from audio implementation and technical sound design, and where you might get started with audio programming as a career!

All of these bonuses are included with purchase of the “Premium” edition of the course.

Boost your career

If you already know sound design and want to push your career forward by adding implementation to your resume – this course was designed for you.

By learning implementation and programming skills (including Wwise and C#), I was able to land positions with large, prestigious AAA game companies.  By building these skills, you can be a step closer to doing something similar yourself.

As always, if you have any questions prior to making your purchase – you can send me an email directly via me@adamtcroft.com


“I don’t know any programming at all – will this course be over my head?”

While the course doesn’t assume you know any programming, it would be beneficial for you to grab a copy of Begin Audio Scripting with Reaper (buy the Premium edition to get a copy included!) and read through the tutorials here on my site.  You don’t need prior programming skills, but they certainly won’t hurt.


“Will this course provide me with a comprehensive understanding of C#?”

No.  This course is not intended to be a generic catch-all to teach you all about C#.  You will learn, quickly, C# concepts that relate to implementation with Wwise and Unity.  Certainly that will cover a large amount of C# and programming basics – but this is not a language comprehensive course.  There are free online resources for that!


“This seems really expensive for something I can learn for free online…”

By all means, feel free to gather all the necessary free online resources and spend the time ingesting them all separately and figuring out how to make them all work together.  I did a lot of that, and I’d love to see you succeed as well.

But do realize – this course starts at $129.  If an entry-level game audio job in a major metropolitan area started at $25/hr (many will pay you more than this) – you would have this course paid off before the end of your first day of work.  I don’t know how to explain “good return on investment” any better than that.


“Will you be available to answer questions if I get stuck or my code has bugs?”



“Will this focus solely on the programming side of things? Or will Wwise be covered as well?”

This is not a course to teach you how to use Wwise, Unity, or either of their fundamentals.  I learned Wwise at School of Video Game Audio (I don’t get paid if you enroll).  There’s also plenty of YouTube videos, if you must.

This course will be building on your existing knowledge of both pieces of software in order to bridge the gap to make your sounds work in game.

What Others Say About “C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity”

“[The course is] a good introduction to programming syntax, datatypes, functions, all the good bits. But doesn’t deep dive, it’s like an appetizer so I think that will avoid the shock or fear that keeps someone from sticking with it. Plus being audio specific helps an audio person see how it’s immediately relate-able to their work. Often with programming I find myself going “that’s great, I can write a switch statement now…but how would I actually use this?!”, so the more examples that get exposed of how to utilize programming functionality to implement audio I think really makes it all click.

[The course] really highlights that a technical sound designer is an actual real role (and undervalued, in my opinion). Few people start out wanting to be somewhere between a sound designer and a programmer, and this is one of the few resources that highlights other room for advancement and career opportunities.

Honestly, the thing I like the most is that you discuss some of the higher level problems that most people don’t know they have.  For example, when to NOT take on a task and let the proper software engineers take over. That’s such a huge understanding and I don’t know if anyone has ever covered it, in any context….ever.”

Paul Boechler, Sound Designer


“I loved your comments about the line between sound designer and programmer. I think it’s excellent advice on a topic often uncovered. I’ve already applied it a bit on some projects I have at the moment!

Your explanation of HOW to use the resources presented to users between the documentation and Intellisense was awesome.

Your general tips on using RTPC’s and Events was useful — it’s easy to miss that you need to specify a gameObject for event calls, etc. I had to muscle my way through learning that  I’m sure someone new to the subject would appreciate not having to go through that.

I would absolutely recommend this course! It’s really digestible for all levels of experience and offers great value to anyone looking to add this skillset to their roster. Not to mention Akash gave you a WONDERFUL shoutout — He was on the money!”

Lucas Edwards, Composer & Sound Designer


“I no longer feel totally overwhelmed when looking at a bunch of c# code and can find the audio triggers more easily. I still have to look things up but I feel like that’s normal!

The amount of content, honestly was blown away by how much was there when I logged in. [It was] easy to follow along, I like that you didn’t cut the video too much so I can follow along and see all the prompts you’re seeing on my screen.”

Chris Wray, Sound Designer


“[I would recommend the course] only if they were serious about wanting to do implementation and not just trying to be able to say they are the ‘composer, sound designer, implementer, guru, can do anything’ sort of thing. I wish I had had access to this course 3 years ago, it would have made starting out so much simpler.

It felt like you were doing the teaching along with me instead of teaching at me. Having to see that your Unity compiles just as slowly as mine and that you also make mistakes in code or forget things (though, that one was of no mystery to me having coded websites for a long time – hooray for stack overflow!).  A lot of times with online courses, I end up having to pause the video and/or rewind a million times because the information is packed so densely in. It was really nice to just have you running beside me while we did things and not constantly having to stop and rewind.”

Zeke Fenelon, Sound Designer


“I can’t recommend [the course] enough! It’s helped me so much to be able to understand the process of how sounds get into games and know where I want to focus my career in game audio. If you’re on the fence, jump off and buy the course already!”

James Thatcher, Sound Designer/Tester


“I went through [the course] over the summer. I learned a ton and it was a crucial step in building my skills as an audio implementer. I’m no longer overwhelmed when I look at C# scripts!”

Jordan Guerette, Composer/Sound Designer

Refund Policy

If you’re not completely satisfied with the product, I offer a 30-day, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee.  Just send an email to me@adamtcroft.com.

Out of Stock?

Access to C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity is only made available a few times a year.  If the product is currently out of stock – sign up below to be informed when it will be made available again.

Note: The form below signs you up to my standard email list and notes your interest in the C# course.  Feel free to enter your email even if you’re already getting emails – it will update your status to let me know about your interest in the course.


Have questions?  Email me@adamtcroft.com

C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity Standard Edition
C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity Video Course
C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity Premium Edition
C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity Video Course
The Unofficial Wwise Authoring API Starter Guide PDF
Begin Audio Scripting with Reaper PDF
Audio interview with Nick Bygrave
(Lead Audio Programmer, 343 Industries)

Copyright 2016-2021, NIR LLC, all rights reserved.