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WAAPI Live is On Sale

As of today, WAAPI Live is officially on sale.  There are 8 spots available, and the course begins March 8th with the first live call on Zoom.

The open spots will remain available until March 7th unless I decide otherwise, and I’ll be sure to let you know in case you’re on the fence.

Who is this course for?

If you’re a technical sound designer, or a sound designer interested in programming or building your own tools to make working with Wwise better – this is for you.

It’s not a perfect analogy – but if you love the customization that programming Reaper actions allows you, then you’ll fall in love with using the Wwise Authoring API with Wwise.

There’s no “actions” menu in Wwise (though Wwise 2019.2 changes some of that…), but WAAPI allows you to build your own custom tools to automate actions that you’d normally do by hand.  Due to the robustness of C# – you can actually go incredibly crazy and build your own suite of tools, complete with a UI if you wanted.  That’s way beyond the scope of this course, but I say that to make another point:

There are plenty of sound designers who want to know a little more “serious” programming – if you know a little C# already, this is a perfect course for you.

If you’ve already gone through C# Implementation with Wwise and Unity and want more – this is also a great course for you.

By the end of our time together, you’ll know how to make a bunch of your own cool actions and build things for your team as well.  At the end of the last week, I promise that you’ll have completed your very first tool that you made all on your own.

I want you to feel empowered, and realize that you’re more capable than you thought!

Who should avoid this course?

If you’re a sound designer who thinks they should learn programming, but isn’t actually interested in it – don’t buy this course.  Double down on sound design and enjoy what you’re doing!

If you’re tight on money – don’t buy this course.  Save your money!

If you don’t know any C# at all, or you’ve never programmed but this sounds cool – don’t buy this course.  I’m expecting you to have a rudimentary knowledge of C# already.

If you already know plenty of programming and have built your own desktop applications – you probably don’t need to buy this course.  It’s probably below your skill-level.

The nitty-gritty details

I’ll be starting the course March 8th, 2020 with a live Zoom call.  For those who can’t make the call, it will be recorded and shared with you (as will the additional calls in the course).

From there on out, you’ll have reading and work to complete five days a week for the following four weeks. You’ll also have an additional two weeks where you build your own application with the help of me and your fellow students.  That means we’ll have six weeks together in total.

The course has a single price point – $399 – no premium/bonus version this time around.  Again – if you think that’s crazy – I implore you not to join.

The course includes a private Slack channel we’ll be using to interact and answer questions live.  I’ll be available to you five days a week on the channel during the course, with office hours each of those days where I’m guaranteed to be responding and checking in on you.

We’ll also be doing three live Zoom calls (the first on March 8) – one to start the course, one in the middle, and one as the course completes.

Week 1 will have you getting setup, familiarized with source control, GitHub, and capable of viewing/sharing code.

Week 2 provides you an introduction to WAAPI and its fundamental technologies, as well as connecting to Wwise programmatically for the first time and learning how to read the API.

Week 3 is a deep dive into the API itself with plenty of practice code where you’ll be creating objects, changing properties, and querying Wwise for objects all programmatically.

Week 4 will have you building your first application – automated creation of objects, events, and soundbanks – by following along with example code I’ve written for you.

Weeks 5 & 6 will have you take one of the prototype tools you’ve concepted in the Slack channel during previous weeks and actually build it yourself!

You can join now

You can click here for more details or to sign up for the course right now.

Upon purchase, you’ll get a welcome PDF file to download and (hopefully – assuming my email service is working right) an email.

If you’ve got additional questions, you can reach me directly at

I’m looking forward to working with you and showing you that you’re way more capable of making incredible things than you ever thought possible!

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