What if you could make Wwise work the way you wanted
Have you ever sat with Wwise and thought to yourself “I wish I didn’t have to do so much clicking and dragging here”? Or “I wish these objects were smart enough to just reference themselves and I wouldn’t have to make switch/state/event/bank associations”?
In fact, if you’ve ever sat in front of Wwise and complained about anything from the workflow to the UI – there’s probably a way to fix that by using the Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI).
Back with Wwise 2017.1, Audiokinetic released this new user-facing API in order to give developers the opportunity to more easily customize the way they work with Wwise. With it being released alongside Wwise Spatial Audio and 3D Bussing – the fanfare took a bit to pick up. But, before too long, audio designers began to more accurately understand the paradigm shift this presented to their workflows.
No longer are you relegated to sit and wish something in Wwise worked differently – now, that specific thing can be built without waiting for Audiokinetic to do it for you. Assuming that you have the resources at hand to make it happen.
But… what if your team doesn’t?
Or, what if you wanted to up your game and learn WAAPI yourself, even if you don’t consider yourself a programmer?
Defeat the Wall of Knowledge
The biggest problem with the vast majority of programming knowledge if you’re coming at it from the perspective of a sound designer is that there’s almost no instructional content built specifically to teach you.
It’s the same story if you’re an artist, filmmaker, or any other creative discipline – there’s very little which helps you cross the gap from creative to technical in a relatively painless way.
So that is what this live course is all about.
There are tremendous number of places online where you can look up a programming language and learn all the syntax. You can do it all for free – all it costs is your time!
But, very few of those places show you how to actually use what you’ve learned. How do you take that syntax knowledge and turn it into the ability to read an API for something you’ll utilize every day, let alone build a production-ready program that you’d use at work.
It’s difficult. Trust me, I tried.
What helped me most was when I quit trying to do that all on my own, and started working with people who had more knowledge than me. These folks were generous, but lead me along quickly and gave me enough help that I could begin to figure things out on my own.
So, I’m looking forward to not only pay forward that knowledge to you – but bring a crew of people together that you can learn with, so that none of you get left behind or feel alone.
We’ll Do it Together
One of the best yet hardest things for me is coming from a content background, but being at least as interested in engineering as I am with design.
It sometimes leads to weird or awkward conversations when you want to talk about some “nerdy” programming interest, but your fellow designers don’t even know what to say.
Not only is it hard sometimes to find someone to share your interest with – it’s also sometimes impossible to find good instruction and help.
That’s why I’m doing this live.
For six weeks – you’ll work directly with me and a handful of other students going at the exact same pace as you. Every day, you’ll be encouraged to ask questions and bring your triumphs.
If you find yourself struggling, myself and others will be there with you and try to help you.
When you find yourself succeeding, the same people will be cheering on your successes.
In the end, you should find yourself crazy proud of your accomplishments and closer with a group of people you may never have even met before!
Imagine every day being able to hang out and share the same interests, confusion, struggles, and triumphs as just a small close-knit handful of people. If you’re looking for “networking” while learning – this will be one hell of a way to go about it.
When you’re done, you’ll know how to
At the conclusion of the course, I’ll expect you to:
- Use C# better than you did before you started
- Understand C# project references
- Understand Visual Studio’s NuGet Package Manager
- Understand what the heck JSON is, how to read it, and how to create JSON in C#
- Understand what WAMP is, what it means, and how to use it
- Understand the basics of asynchronous programming
- Undestand the basics of LINQ queries
- Be able to read the Wwise Authoring API documentation fluently
- Create your own simple, easy to use command line applications with either Windows or Mac that affect Wwise with the Wwise Authoring API
- Be able to pass command line argumentst to your applications so that none of your utilities are “hard coded”
The Technical Specifics
WAAPI Live will be six weeks worth of daily group instruction, aimed at accelerated learning of the Wwise Authoring API.
The program will start on March 8th with the first live video call.
From there, you will have daily tasks and reading five days a week for four weeks that you’re expected to keep up with. The last two weeks, you’ll complete your own WAAPI-based project.
Your weekends will be free or for catch-up time.
You’ll be learning alongside less than ten other students, and have access to me and each other through a private Slack channel.
I’ll have office hours where you can connect with me live.
There will be three live video calls – an introduction, a mid-course check-in, and a closing Q&A.
What if You’re Not Ready?
Some of you are going to be unsure if this course is for you or not. I expect you to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of C# – I won’t be teaching you how to use the language from scratch.
That means – at the very least – you really need to know things like:
- Basic C# syntax and concepts as taught by a place like codeacademy
- What classes are, and how to create and use them
- How code flow works
- How to use loops and conditional logic with “if” statments and “||” “&&”
- How functions work
- How to open up Visual Studio and make a new project
- What source control is – you don’t have to have used it
If you can’t say you’re comfortable with those things – you’re probably not ready for this course yet.
And if you’re tight on funds, you’re definitely not ready for this course yet.
Boost your abilities
This course isn’t going to be the one that gets you hired by a AAA gaming company overnight. Most sound designers and audio directors still don’t understand how a little bit of tools development knowledge goes a long way.
But – it will give you the skills to create the stories that will get you hired, respected, or promoted.
With the knowledge I share in this course, I’ve been able to go through multiple game studios with the reputation that – given a bit of time – I can work out nearly any problem with our audio system. If I can’t do it myself, I can grab the right people and deliver the right messages to the engineering staff to get things fixed quickly.
That’s an invaluable reputation to have, and I’m happy to share my knowledge to help you.
As always, if you have any questions prior to making your purchase – you can send me an email directly via
“I’m not sure if I know enough C# to do this – how will I know?”
Feel free to email and ask me directly, make sure to give me specifics about your programming and Wwise knowledge knowledge.
“This seems really expensive… Can I get in cheaper, or will you cut me a deal?”
Yes, this course is expensive. I don’t want any of our time to be wasted together. I want your time to be prized and valued so that you get the best instruction I can give you. I don’t want people in this course who are half-committed, for me or you.
You’re also getting direct teaching from me for six straight weeks, including video calls – and as the saying goes – time is money.
While you think about making this commitment, consider this – the course starts at $399. If an entry-level game audio job in a major metropolitan area started at $25/hr (many will pay you more than this) – you would have this course paid off in roughly two days. If you don’t consider six weeks of my time for two days of yours a “good return on investment”, I’m not sure what else to tell you.
“How often will you be available and in the Slack channel?”
I’m always planning – life permitting – to check the Slack channel 5 days a week. I’ll be posting office hours each week where I’ve blocked out time in my schedule to review questions or comments.
“Will this be a video course, too?”
No, none of this course is done via video on demand. The live calls will be recorded and available to you if you have to miss them or you’re in a timezone that makes things difficult.
“When will the course open up again?”
I always announce course availability through my email list. When I open up any course is entirely dependent on my schedule – I want to make sure that I can give students to any course my undivided attention if needed. If life is busy enough that I can’t do that, I won’t be selling a course.
Refund Policy
If you’re not completely satisfied with the product, I offer a 14-day, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee beginning from the start date of the course. Just send an email to
Out of Stock?
Access to WAAPI Live is only made available a few times a year. If the product is currently out of stock – sign up below to be informed when it will be made available again.
Note: The form below signs you up to my standard email list and notes your interest in the course. Feel free to enter your email even if you’re already getting my emails – it will update your status to let me know about your interest in the course.
Have questions? Email
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