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My Love for Jettomero

If you follow me on Twitter, there’s a high probability you’ve seen me post about Jettomero: Hero of the Universe.  There’s good reason for this.

I love literally everything about this game/project.  There’s a significant part of me that wishes I had come up with it and executed on it.

If you’ve never heard of this and have no idea what I’m talking about, a picture will speak better than any of my words will.

Jettomero and the Blazing Sun

It looks like a gorgeous, wild comic book, right?  Plus robots and space and shit!

The most interesting part about my relationship with this work is the level of care I actually have for it, as a consumer.

For you – this probably won’t be earth-shattering.  Most people like things other people created – TV shows, books, movies, etc. to the point that they become highly protective and argue about the validity of someone else’s art.

Two words – Star Wars.  Right?

Somewhere along the way in my career, I lost that.  I do still find the art and creativity of others intriguing, but it’s very rare that I come across something that I feel connected to anymore.  I think once I realized how much actual work goes into the creation of content, I lost the desire to consume and debate through gaining the spark to create myself.  If you spend a lot of time making, you just don’t have that much time to consume anymore.

So I have to stop when I go “Holy smokes – THIS IS AMAZING!“.

What’s brilliant beyond that is that this whole project was largely created by one person.  Some figure modeling and the game’s sound effects (shoutout to my friends at A Shell in the Pit!) were contracted out – but the core of the game was made by one person in Vancouver.

Not only that, I’ve had the great fortune to meet Gabriel in person (to my surprise he chased me down), and he’s an amazingly fantastic, humble human.

If you’ve worked in the entertainment industry long enough (specifically film and music) you’ll understand my utter shock at this.  Lots of us in entertainment are good people, but with a side of egotistical asshole – it kind of comes with the territory.  I won’t deny that I’m not a shining sweet angel all the time myself.

All of this to say – you should take some time out of your day to check this project out.  If it looks cool to you, it costs less than $15 USD, and is likely to be localized in your language too.  In exchange for the cash, you’ll get a fun and thoughtful story, with metric shit tons of personality.  Your cash will also go towards funding a good human’s creative muscle.

If you’d like to hear more about what it took Gabriel to make the game, OST, comic, etc. (yes, there’s a rad soundtrack and a physical comic book – I’ve demanded art prints) then you should read Gamasutra’s article about Jettomero.  That, my friends, is also worth your time.

(I mean think about it – have you ever thought about making comic books by using Unity before??  Gabriel is doing that!  What the f*@#!!!)

So keep churning away on the things that interest your brain.  You’re bound to have an idea like this and touch someone else as Gabriel’s work has done to me.

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