Dear Pro Tools and former Pro Tools-but-now-Reaper users,
If you’ve been curious about Reaper or you’ve been using Reaper and miss an old workflow – I’m making something for you.
Today I’m publicly announcing the beta test release of what I’m calling the PT Actions Kit: A few tools to ease your transition to Reaper, and improve your workflow.
Included in the beta package:
- Instant-Take, Single Effect — A Reaper action similar to Audiosuite workflow, to audition a single effect plugin.
- Instant-Take, Multi-Effect — A Reaper action similar to an enhanced Audiosuite workflow, to audition an entire FX chain.
Plus a bonus:
- The PT Keymap — A set of pre-made shortcut keys you’re familiar with, to ease the transition to Reaper.
To get instant access, sign up below. I’ll be providing further updates, support, and an eventual full release over email first. Shortly after you sign up and download the beta, I will be following up with a survey to get more input from you.
Signups are now closed. Thanks for your interest!
Many additional thanks to @mattesque and @markkillborn, for the genesis of the idea and pushing for additional workflow options.
Full release is planned for January 2017
The following are planned features not included in the beta:
- Apply plugin effects to more than 1 file at a time
- 2 additional Instant-Take scripts, which remove the need to audition a playback loop
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